How to Improve Erection

How to improve male sexual ability

Erectile dysfunction problems disturb men. This affects every aspect of his life and work. The man started frantically looking for information on how to increase his erection. Everything you need to know about this issue is in this article. The most important message sounds like this: "Knowing and having ability are not the same thing. So, after you've researched everything, seek help from an expert! "

some statistics

In most cases, a violation of a man's potency (his ability to have sexual contact) is associated with erectile dysfunction - increased volume, filling with blood and hardening of the penis. In people, this condition is called ascent - a condition necessary for sexual intercourse.

If erectile dysfunction persists for more than three months, experts talk about erectile dysfunction (ED). The pathology is common, and according to statistics, it occurs in more than 50% of men aged 40-70. One in five had mild ED, one in four had moderate ED, and one in 10 had severe ED. After 70 years, 70% of men have ED.

Why does erectile dysfunction occur?

The causes of ED can vary, but there are usually several. In young men, these are sexual infections and damage to the pelvic organs. After age 40, the main causes of ED are cardiovascular disease and diabetes.

At any age, ED is 20 percent more common in heavy drinkers and heavy smokers, and more difficult to improve. Those who lead a sedentary lifestyle and prefer high-calorie foods develop obesity, which can lead to erectile dysfunction. Stress further exacerbated the situation. At the same time, adipose tissue produces the female hormone estrogen, which inhibits the function of testosterone.

Obese men are also prone to cardiovascular disease, the leading cause of ED after age 40. Only losing weight can improve the situation. In a strong man, there are far fewer problems with erectile dysfunction.

10 Best Ways to Improve Erections

Strengthening an erection begins by removing all factors that might inhibit it. Improving its quality and duration will help with proper nutrition, a healthy lifestyle, exercise and the absence of bad habits. Many problems can be addressed at home, including problems with improving erectile function during the initial stages of impaired erectile function.

But in any case, you need to consult your doctor first so as not to miss serious pathology. For a persistent increase in erection in men, a specialist will first perform an examination and then, based on the results of the examination, prescribe an individually selected recovery complex, providing advice on nutrition, lifestyle and the use of folk remedies to restore male strength. Recovery Complex is the 10 Best Ways to Improve Erections.

regularity of sexual activity

To improve the quality and duration of erections, experts recommend regular but serious sex with a verified partner.

Abstinence leads to stagnation of blood, lymphatic and gonadal secretions, which are predisposing factors for the development of prostatitis and erectile dysfunction.

Casual sex is the source of infection, which also leads to the development of erectile dysfunction. Too much sex doesn't do any good -- too violent sex can lead to penis injuries.

proper nutrition

green salad for added potency

To improve erections, nutrition should be complete and varied. The calorie content of a daily diet depends on a man's age and level of physical activity. For men of average height and weight with varying physical activity (small-medium-tall), it looks like this:

  • 18 to 30 years old - 3000 kcal;
  • 31 to 50 years old - 2900 kcal;
  • From age 51 to age 70 - 2800 kcal.

These calories should be distributed as follows:

  • Breakfast - 25%;
  • Lunch - 35%;
  • 25% off dinner;
  • Snacks (second breakfast, afternoon snack) - 15%.

For a steady increase in erection, you need to make and drink freshly squeezed juice before meals in the morning. A glass of incomplete apple juice, orange juice, or any other juice should be enough. To the apple juice, you can add a little carrot (no more than a quarter of the volume), celery (1 - 2 tablespoons) juice, or garden vegetable juice (dill, parsley - 1 tablespoon). These juices contain bioactive substances necessary to enhance erections and improve mood.

You can eat it in 20-30 minutes. During this time, the juice is absorbed by the body and it becomes a source of rapid energy and a stimulant of metabolic processes. Great for breakfast: buckwheat porridge with mushrooms, oatmeal (can be made with fruit and berry chunks), any other cereal, scrambled eggs, sour cream cheese, boiled meat with green salad, honey tea or coffee. Honey is a source of easy-to-digest healthy carbohydrates that fuel your body quickly.

For lunch, you can have any first course, including low-fat meat, fish, mushroom or vegetable soups, stews (meatballs, meatballs), grilled fish with vegetables. Eating cooked beets (containing betaine, which improves metabolism and prevents the development of cardiovascular disease), carrots, celery, garden vegetables, onions, garlic are very useful for improving sexual performance. Desserts - fruit, berries, fruit drinks or preserves.

Good options for dinner are seafood (consumed regularly, it improves the quality and duration of erections) or grilled fatty sea fish (tuna, salmon) - it contains cholesterol and more, transports cholesterol to the tissues, whileNo need to lose.

This cholesterol is used to synthesize testosterone and other substances that improve erections, it does not deposit on the walls of blood vessels in the form of cholesterol plaques and prevents the development of cardiovascular disease. It is recommended to eat fish 2-3 times a week. For dinner, salad greens, poached chicken, and cottage cheese.

Snacks can be 2 - 3:

  • Second breakfast - nuts, fruit, berries, green tea are recommended;
  • Afternoon snack - green salad, nuts, juice or smoothie;
  • Before bed - a glass of yogurt or kefir.

Products that help with erections: Lean meats, oily marine fish, seafood (they contain high amounts of zinc and selenium that are involved in the synthesis of testosterone and can improve sexual function), milk and dairy products, beets, carrots, celery, parsley, dill, onions, garlic, dried apricots, figs. Be sure to eat nuts every day - they are great for prolonging the duration of the erection phase.

Nut Potency

You can enhance your erection by excluding the following foods from your diet: fatty meats, sausages, fried foods, candy, any sweets, sweet carbonated drinks, regular alcohol, especially beer.

All that is required for potency is proper regular nutrition, which will improve metabolism, activate blood circulation, and help the penis fill up with blood quickly.

Gymnastics and Sports

Urologists and sexologists know very well how to stimulate erections by increasing physical activity. There is no single recipe that works for all men; recommendations are given individually based on men's age and health.

Young people (18-30 years old) are best for sports like running, swimming, any outdoor sports (football, volleyball, tennis). All of these exercises can increase muscle strength, improve circulatory function, and increase blood flow to the pelvic organs, thereby increasing erection and sexual satisfaction. After a few weeks of exercise, most young people notice that they are able to significantly improve their sexual performance.

Important note: Moderate exercise has a strong positive effect on men's health, and excessive load may not increase it but shorten the duration of an erection.

For strong men after the age of 30, exercise is also conducive to maintaining a good erection, but the load intensity should be reduced. Swimming has particularly good effects on people of any age, including older adults—it builds overall stamina, builds muscle, strengthens blood vessels, and can significantly improve quality of life in general.

Some exercises can have a negative effect on erections. These are cycling, equestrian sports, racing, and any other type of prolonged sitting and shaking.

But physical activity is not a substitute for therapeutic exercise. How to normalize an erection with the help of special exercises, the doctor of physical therapy (exercise therapy) will tell them and the trainer of exercise therapy will show them.

The most famous and popular practice for forming a good erection was developed in the middle of the last century by American physician A. Kegel. He came up with a set of physical exercises to strengthen the pelvic floor muscles, most importantly, the pubococcygeus (LMB, muscle of love), which is involved in erections. On the Internet today, you can find many options for Kegel exercises with detailed explanations on how to achieve a stable erection.

potency practice

The easiest yet equally effective option to increase potency at home:

  • It is necessary to find the pubococcygeus muscle; for this, it is necessary to stop the flow of urine during urination by the arbitrary contraction of the muscle; it is the LMB that performs this operation;
  • Tension a few times a day, then relax the LMB at the same time; do 5-10 reps for close to 3 seconds first, then gradually increase the time to 15 seconds; you can increase the method, but everything needs to be gradual; this will help increase the erection significantly.

By doing this type of exercise regularly, you can achieve the following results:

  • Strengthen the paint that supports the correct position of the pelvic organs and increase the protection of the internal organs;
  • Improves blood circulation and innervation of the reproductive organs, as the nerves and blood vessels supplying them pass through the LCM;
  • Eliminate congestion, including the prostate, and improve its function;
  • Increases metabolism and thus improves erection as it leads to increased testosterone synthesis;
  • Due to the additional formation of nitric oxide increases the duration and quality of sexual life - nitric oxide is the main substance that promotes vasodilation and blood flow to the penis during sexual arousal, thus improving erection; it becomes stronger and premature ejaculation is inhibited;
  • Increase satisfaction with your intimate life and have a strong family.


You can find a lot of information on how to increase erectile function with massage. Unfortunately, these recommendations are not always sufficient, especially when it comes to penis massage. Experienced massage therapists and therapists know that massaging the affected area is not always the most effective.

For sexual dysfunction, good results can be obtained by massaging the distal parts of the body, reflexively associated with the sexual system, thus normalizing its function. These can be performed by a massage therapist:

  • Body Health Massage - Perfectly stimulates the whole body, improves blood circulation and metabolism, allows you to maintain male strength and increase self-confidence;
  • Segmented Massage - Performed by experts, this effect stimulates blood circulation in the small pelvis, stimulates the activity of the reproductive system and allows you to quickly increase your sexual satisfaction.

How can I improve my erection with my own massage? You can increase erectile function and potency at home with the help of canning. If used correctly, cupping massage can increase blood circulation in the genital area and strengthen the walls of blood vessels. It also has a strong reflex effect on the hormonal centers of the brain, increasing sensitivity and satisfaction with sexual intercourse.

Any loved one will help improve erections and improve their quality with cupping massage. This will require suction cups with rubber caps and massage cream.

massage for added potency

Cupping massage is performed on a man's stomach. Lubricate the lumbosacral skin with massage cream and place a jar on the lower part of the sacrum 2 cm from the spine. When the skin is pulled into the jar at a maximum height of 1 cm, you need to carefully move up the spine to the end of the lumbar area, trying not to break the tightness of it. Then the jar also moved down slowly and carefully.

Better results can be obtained if the jars do a circular motion in the same direction - rising and falling vertically.

The first massage is performed on both sides of the spine for 2-3 minutes. Finally, you need to lift the jar straight up, in the direction of the venous blood. After the course of treatment, there will be persistent redness of the skin as the blood vessels in the skin dilate. At the same time, the blood vessels that deliver blood to the small pelvis are most reflexive.

The inflow of arterial blood, the outflow of venous blood and lymph is restored, and the stagnation is eliminated. Cupping massage at home can increase potency and prolong erection time.

In total, a person undergoes 8-10 procedures every other day. In the future, you can increase the time of the program and increase it to 5-6 minutes on each side. This allows you to increase male strength.

Physical Therapy Program

Choosing the right physiotherapy program for each patient will help improve sexual function. How to increase erection time with the help of physical therapy, only the attending physician can know.

Depending on the patient's condition, age, presence of concomitant diseases, the following types of procedures may be prescribed to strengthen erections:

  • Eliminate neurosis, restore sleep - electrophoresis, electrosleep, etc. with sedatives in the collar area;
  • Restoration of blood circulation and normal nutrition of pelvic organs and tissues - magnetic therapy, laser therapy, electrical rectal stimulation; electric mud treatment;
  • Stimulates the synthesis and secretion of hypothalamic and pituitary hormones, which stimulate hormone production and can improve sexual function in general - transcerebral UHF therapy, ozone therapy; this in turn can significantly increase the duration of erections.

Excellent results can be achieved with the help of spa treatments. Here, hardware-type physiotherapy procedures combined with the influence of natural factors - balneotherapy and mud therapy, allow you to take your erection to the next level and achieve complete sexual satisfaction. It is best to go to the resort on the recommendation of a doctor, who will choose the most suitable nursing home for this patient. Extensive experience in the treatment of sexual disorders in the Mineralnye Vody sanatorium in the Caucasus.


Thousands of years of experience in traditional Chinese medicine have now been adopted by the world. The effect of acupuncture points (AT) located on the surface of the body along the energy channels (meridians) results in a significant increase in erection. These procedures can increase strength in men even without the use of drugs.

Acupuncture for increased potency

Ancient Chinese physicians believed that the energy of Qi, which is responsible for the work of all organs and systems, runs along the meridians, and modern medicine explains the therapeutic effects through the reflex connection between the AT and the various internal organs. AT is affected by the following factors:

  • acupuncture;
  • Shiatsu;
  • Burn (heat) with wormwood cigarettes and some other methods.

The number of procedures required to improve erection, the interval between them and the point of influence (recipe) are determined by a reflexologist. A reflexology session will allow you to maximize your sexual performance, achieve stable and strong erections, maintain a good mood, and increase your self-esteem.


This is the most important component of the complex treatment of erectile dysfunction, as it always accompanies neurosis. Even when there is a clear link between cardiovascular disease and ED, neurotic symptoms can appear over time. In this context, a man loses self-confidence, not only in bed, but also in work and communication with others.

Psychotherapy sessions will help restore psychological balance, increase self-esteem, improve family and social relationships, and maintain a stable neuropsychological state.

medical treatement

How to increase the duration of an erection with the help of drugs, can only be said by the attending physician after examination. Today, various drugs are produced in order to increase the function of the male reproductive system. A competent specialist is almost always able to help men increase the duration of their erections, even in the most complex and overlooked situations.

Currently considered the most effective way to improve erectile function and obtain stable erections are drugs from the group of FED-5 inhibitors (phosphodiesterase type 5).

The effects of these drugs are related to inhibiting the function of enzymes that break down substances responsible for the rapid relaxation of vascular smooth muscle and blood flow to the reproductive organs, the development of erections. This group of drugs can significantly improve erections and improve quality of life.

IFED-5 can only be purchased at a pharmacy with a doctor's prescription. They are great for increasing the duration of an erection, but are contraindicated in severe visceral disorders, especially those of the cardiovascular system, liver and optic nerve. They should not be taken with nitroglycerin and drugs that lower blood pressure (BP) - this can cause a sharp drop in blood pressure and fainting.

If a man is contraindicated in the IFED-5 group, doctors may choose another treatment that also causes an increase in erection duration. Experts can always find ways to increase male erections and improve the quality of intimacy.

Dietary Supplements

To improve mildly impaired erections at any age, you can take a bioactive food supplement (BAA), which improves sexual activity.

folk remedies

How to improve male erection with the help of folk remedies, it is best to consult a doctor. There are folk remedies to increase blood flow to the genitals, hormone production, soothe and relieve increased anxiety. What to choose and whether they can be combined for a particular patient to improve sexual performance, only experts can give qualified advice.

Folk remedies for male strength:

  1. Erectile dysfunction associated with reproductive organ infections and inflammatory processes:
    • Anti-inflammatory soup - mix dry chopped birch leaves, hazelnuts, horsetail grass, take 2 tablespoons; pour one tablespoon of mixture with a cup of boiling water in a thermos overnight; strain in the morning, take a third of a cup three times a day half an hour before meals; Reduce inflammation and swelling of tissues, inhibit the vital activities of infectious agents, strengthen the immune system, improve erection; course of treatment - 4 weeks;
    • Dead Bee Soup - the body of dead bees, which includes active substances with antibacterial, anti-inflammatory properties; pour one tablespoon of Astragalus in hot water, boil for an hour, strain out, add boiling water to the original water level, take one before breakfast and lunchTablespoon for a month; in this way you can improve your intimacy;
    • Against the background of hormonal deficiencies, increase it:
      • Take one tablespoon of parsley juice 3 times a day half an hour before meals, alternating with the same dose of celery juice; course - 4 - 6 weeks; these plants contain plant hormones that can normalize hormone levels, increase libido, and improve erectionsquality; this stimulation is ideal for older men;
      • 50 dried (but not fried) pumpkin seeds per day; course 4 - 6 weeks; great for increasing androgen secretion; seeds improve libido and increase male strength.
      • Erectile dysfunction associated with various circulatory disorders:
        • Decoction of bark and poplar sprouts; pour 1 tablespoon of dried herbal mixture into 0. 5 liters of water, boil for 20 minutes, let stand for another hour, then filter, take 4 cups 3 times a day, sweetened with honey; of course-4 put on; promote vasodilation, which can improve the quality and duration of erections in old age;
        • Eat 5 fresh garlic cloves a day, you can do this 30-40 minutes before sex - the "ambulance" of an erection.

If a man is faced with the problem of how to strengthen his erection, only a doctor can give the right advice. In some cases, maintaining a normal erection or improving it slightly does not require any treatment, and it is enough to make lifestyle and nutritional changes.

But many times, a man, especially in old age, seeks medical help when the problem persists. However, don't despair! In any case, an experienced urologist-andrologist will be able to improve the quality of erections and improve the sexual performance of men.